Sebastian Cincelli, student Rainerum (Salesian Institute of Bolzano), won the national selection for young brains. A ticket for the final tear the EU's Lisbon scheduled September 24 to 29, was Cincelli Sebastian, 19, who heads the team of high school. Great Sebastian!
Bolzano and stated that the project has won the Italian selection of the twenty-second European Contest for Young Scientists, sponsored by the European Union and the Fast, the Federation of Scientific and Technical Associations.
to tear the ticket for the final program in the European Union's Lisbon September 24 to 29, was Cincelli Sebastian, 19, heads the team of high school that produced Rainerum Eurex (which stands for Eurosocial rovers for exploration), a series of robots that can do a mapping into a hostile environment for 'man, like caves, heat wave or polluted areas and therefore dangerous to health.
Cincelli came to the national final in Milan after a pre-selection which has seen at the start 125 schools. In Milan the thirty finalists were challenged during the past weekend, the awards ceremony Monday. Coordinated by the student group also includes the nineteen Bolzano Tabarelli George, Emmanuel Doubloons, Raphael Cavallari and Carolina Piccin.
"The win surprised me - said Sebastian Cincelli - I saw the other competing projects and some were high-level: I'm really pleased." Cincelli, born in Val di Fassa but steadily for five years in Bolzano, has taken the first steps with robotics to Rainerum: "We have a robotics lab, where there is a group that thinks and implements projects for years: for example, a airship for aerial surveys, or two years ago, a robot that can act as tour guide. For two consecutive years - explains - we have participated and won the competition EURAC. Now came this prestigious success at national level.
Specifically, what have you done? "The initial problem was the mapping of harsh environments such as tunnels, caves, dangerous or polluted sites. Zone, therefore, risky and inaccessible to humans. We wanted to make a device - continues Cincelli - do not have GPS, can provide information such as air quality. " And how did you come to a solution? "By studying bees - says the student - are eusocial animals, or working in groups and shared out the tasks and having the Queen in the EPA guidance.
We have applied this model we have developed a robot mother, able to coordinate the activities of three other small robots and store the information collected, which then can be sent. " But how do the robot to move? "I can self-orient, counting the number of revolutions of the wheels and through the bush. We also mounted a webcam: scanning images, the robot is able to recognize the jamb of a door or a wall. "
Pacific, to make a project like that, are skills that go far beyond the normal school programs. "The input always come during the hours of lessons, then knowledge is developed in the laboratory. Among other things - continues Cincelli - it is interdisciplinary projects: physics, mathematics, computer science and, in this case, even biology. " Its future is in artificial intelligence? "I still do not know: I will enroll in engineering at the Politecnico di Milano. Then - Sebastian claims - we'll see. "
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