Sunday, December 26, 2010

Cydia Source With Pokemon Roms


From the story of the mass Flavio Boavista with the Orc Steu

Hello Pino,
I refer to contacts with Steu, responding to your request on to have some impression on theme.

What say .. What
for the time I managed to finish it .. and personally it is already a great thing and much enough for me.
That was the longest (actual 160 Km, dura e combattuta prova che abbia affrontato.

Che l'ho sofferta realmente parecchio tant'è che mi hanno dovuto somministrare antidolorifici intramuscolo in un paio di check-point e supportato da pastiglie
di Ketadol (a mò di barrette) nella parte finale.

Che avrei potuto ritirarmi come tanti altri ( 18 arrivati su 43 iscritti includendo non partiti e chi ha gettato la spugna) e l'ho completata fondamentalmente solo per forza di volontà poichè mi sarebbe spiaciuto davvero molto non finirla.

Purtroppo, presumibilmente la relativamente leggera ma continua costrizione della calza contenitiva anticrampi che uso normalmente in trail (booster),
complice vasodilatation related to the temperature (34/36 ° C in the desert) I caused the emergence of a swelling of the neck of a foot and later spread to the same constant pain from this very strong and could no longer have a normal functional load, essentially pushing with one leg right .. and I ended up walking half a plenty in the final.

matter of experience .. was the first time he approached the desert and the comparison with others was a bit ' from "accidental tourists" (they were much more run-in, who had run the 100 km of the Sahara, Namibia, who etc ... I Ultramarathon zero).

Having thus able to run if not for a party, times have dilated to excess, and I ended up in almost 39 hours non-stop except for a one-hour break from evil and had to stop because I tried to retrieve the same time a minimum, however, unable to sleep. Timing

like that (one night and a piece of the second) become very heavy for the body, even from a psychological viewpoint.
E 'was definitely a life experience, however, taking account of having explored the physical and mental limits unknown to me.

The degree of difficulty of the ultra-trail Boavista is classified as extreme (it is ranked 4 out of 5 max. - Eg. 100 km of the Sahara is a grade 2).
It 'still a beautiful and exciting race, running on an island relatively little known among spectacular scenery and varied, where the desert dunes stretches are for the most part but also where it happens to run on dirt roads, steppes, and rocky terrain night, often with the sound of the ocean in the distance .. fantastic.

Out of curiosity I am attaching an article published in "Il Mattino di Padova" and written by one of my two companions of adventure and I have to thank for giving me even mentioned.


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