So start hunting the incident of crime to be processed into product. If the other side of the phone say it is quiet, the response from the journalist will be "better this way." If there is something very serious happened - after I turned down the receiver - would exclaim, "We have an opening," the article to be put on the front page.
"Bad news are good news - bad news is good news - is a fairly common theme in the Decalogue of the good reporter. It may sound cynical what is happening in an editorial. But the world of printing or broadcasting and select "make" items that will attract more potential readers urging them to go on sale or tune into a tele-(or radio-) newspaper, listen as long as possible. The number of copies sold and registered the titles from the audience know that people are more attracted by the news events and from other events.
And the skill of a journalist sometimes be measured, as well as to the veracity of the claims and the ability to tell the facts, including details on who can provide detail on what is his piece on the edge of the morbidity and unnecessary.
of this wonderful spiral has also made an analysis in Umberto Eco "Slap the Monster on Page One" talking about the rampant crime (Cogne, Garlasco, killing Meredith in Perugia) on the news and writing: "If once the newspaper was four pages today has an average of 60, and is not most things that happen in the world - indeed, to be objective, they succeeded more between 1943 and 1945, from the Holocaust to the atomic bomb. To fill these 60 pages and get the publicity that will let you live, you have to magnify the news, not only beat the monster at first but also second and third page, resulting in about ten times the same event on the same day, point of view of ten post, and giving the impression that the events have ten. "
public opinion doped
violence, heinous crimes, especially crimes repeated by non-EU citizens. Television and newspapers tell us that we are overwhelmed by hatred. The sense of insecurity and distrust of the next growing. We feel that the world around going crazy, though in reality, we sometimes difficult to directly assist in news stories.
Even more strange is that the data on crime are all in sharp decline for twenty years. To contradict the widespread perception of a crime overwhelming sociologist Pino Arlacchi, one of rock experts, former president of the World Association for the study of organized crime, a friend of judges Falcone and Borsellino, co-founder of DIA - Anti-Mafia Investigative Directorate, Secretary General of the United Nations Drug Control and the fight against crime. In the case of "black" the ne plus ultra , really!
"We have public opinion completely drugged - Arlacchi said from his website - with an agenda that distorts the country's problems, which speaks only of rapes, of crime as if there was a wave of rampant crime, when the reality is exactly the opposite. We have a decrease in violent crime in our country that has lasted for twenty years. We have a drop in murders of nearly eighty percent. We have also a decrease in petty crime such as muggings, carjackings that they are around seventy percent. "
Whence, then, the growing space that the mass media and journalism to crime?
In a rapidly changing society, to the great mobility that the new means of transport allow for the removal of borders in Europe, population growth, the phenomenon of immigration, more consistent from the numerical point of view, our city and our neighbors face change quickly.
the uncertainty comes from not knowing that you have next, who intentions were, whether or not you think like me, if my own values, follows the fear and 'increased need for security, one of the most consistent among the new social needs.
It can no longer maintain that against the reality of the mass media serve as a mirror . With the creation of court cases, with the choice of stories and their priorities in a lineup of Tg or in the pages of a newspaper, they have influence on the topics they discuss the people in the streets or in front of a tea and which propose action in the political campaign or the press releases.
Emotion inability to collect evil
Articles ordinary crime are on the functional objectives of newspapers and TV to sell more copies or keep viewers glued to the screen so that they can "sell" to advertisers advertising. The muggings, robberies, accidents, homicides create a stir, take on an emotional level, the impulse to seek Read more. Therefore more easily buy space on other topics more rational and less of an impact or less excited tones as the big, slow process of judicial mafia events or corruption, and even more on "good news", less visible but equally important the results of the voluntary sector.
Even Pope Benedict XVI has dedicated a special message on how to deal with the press is "made" the worst aspects of reality that surrounds us.
The December 8, 2009, in Piazza di Spagna, His Holiness said: "Every day, through newspapers, television, radio, evil is told, repeated, amplified, accustomed to the most horrible things, making us insensitive and, in some way intoxicated, because the negative is not fully disposed of, and day by day builds up. Hardens the heart and thoughts will darken. [...] In the city they live - or survive - invisible people, who occasionally jump on the front page or on television, and are exploited to the last, until the news image attract attention. The city first and then hides exposes to the public. No mercy, or with a false piety. " The evil still
exist, should not be exaggerated so as not to be underestimated or ignored. Using a critical approach to the news, but also an attendance of newspapers and courage in the face of outraged nth crime are far without hearing the people aware of tools of the trade. Echoing the words of the Pontiff: "Each contributes to its life and its moral climate, for better or for worse."
Gianluca Marasco
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