Dr. Bird, of "youth malaise" speak in many, not always. But it is on the rise?
Unfortunately, yes. But the more fully the inconvenience of adults, which adults in these conditions, fewer can be significant in terms of education for the youths. So the boys find themselves without an adult world that speaks, if not when they get to show a "symptom", then send them to this or that "expert" (and, you know, today you are so effective and selective drugs for quell the anxiety, anxieties, etc.. etc. ...). Almost the only substitute is the Church, because public services tend to be reduced or dismantled by budget problems.
She insists on attention to the body. Meaning?
Our Western culture separated since ancient mind and body. It passes through the body that our perception of the world: we see the body, taste your body, smell, feel, touch the body, and then we reason. But this language of touch with reality as we undergo a kind of abstraction: the "mind". As if it was not part of the body. And this separation has created enormous damage, dramatically changing the concept of disease: a time to be sick was an experience of life, now is an accident that happens to you, because your body does not obey "and goes haywire: fortune than with other accidents, medication, you can drive the disease ... But the rule also applies to those who are not healthy, be healthy and strong, you know, "abolished." That means abolishing all of us, self-abolished: because sooner or later we all go to the condition of the sick.
Specifically, youth in preventing what could mean more attention to the body?
First of all, it means educating the emotions . Emotions pass through the body: hunger, thirst, fear (of the hands sweat!), And pleasure. But no one educated to handle these emotions, thinking that the mind is enough to govern. But emotions are devastating, if there is a behind the educational process. Then, I think that should be taken a serious talk about the contact. In our culture contact, proximity, it is increasingly artificial, without feeling and without feeling, taboo or alienation. Of course then it appears that fear of the gypsy, the "mate" of different ...
I remember the gentleman who once wrote in the Christian Family proposing to abolish the handshake at the sign of peace at Mass, for reasons of hygiene ... But change the subject and pass on the prevention of addiction, drugs more. You are at the conference of the project contractors has also associated with .... gastronomy. Can you explain?
Yes, I think the steps employed for prevention education to eat and drink well. The food is the first object of exchange between humans, is associated with pleasant sensations, conversation, relationships with others, in a word for pleasure, a real pleasure. Here, I see very unlikely that those who are educated in this pleasure can become a drug addict.
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