Friday, May 7, 2010

How To Strip A Astra Diesel Fuel Tank

Wikipedia, un sogno a cui bisogna credere?

I admit it. Before writing this note I checked the Wikipedia entry about me: skinny, essential, as befits a reviewer. But it took some years before a practical joker put a stop to news invented. As you know, Wikipedia is an online encyclopedia, useful, which is constantly written and rewritten by its users. He invented Jimmy Wales, who was guest of Lilli Gruber in "Eight and a half" (La7, Friday, 20.30). When a curious argument, the questions always seem to the person concerned a few, ill-formed, insufficient.

How long should you trust Wikipedia? Very and at the same time, very little. Much, because each entry is under the control of thousands of users just because this control is not always the case and, under the protective shield open source encyclopedia, a network can run many hoaxes. In fact, the control of sources, Wales was rather vague. Wikipedia is an encyclopedia of participation, a collector of second-hand news. When I happen to find a voice on television, I find that many times is taken, verbatim, from Garzantine on tv, without proper citation. Or, more importantly, the voice is compiled by a press office. For this reason, the boys in completing their theses, Wikipedia should be used with greater caution: every open system needs a control of the sources. It must be said, however, that some Wikipedia are exceptional, for completeness and writing, a true gift to the Anonymous encyclopedist democratization of knowledge, the transformation of science in Gay Science. Wales has spoken of a system of control of the directors (rules, posts, criteria) to certify the voices, but it is clear that Wikipedia is based on his dream another dream: the sense of responsibility of a scientific community. And the dreams, sometimes, you have to believe it.


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