Sunday, May 30, 2010

How To Stop Voice Messages

USA: new website of the bishops to promote the Church's social teaching on college campuses is

tool to help students and university chaplains in American universities to promote the social doctrine of the Church. This wants to be the new website of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) "Transforming Our World: Our Catholic Faith in Action" ("Transforming our world, our Catholic faith in action").

The site, located at / campus, was launched by the Department of Justice, Peace and Human Development of the USCCB itself to mark the tenth anniversary of the American bishops' pastoral statement "Sharing Catholic Social Teaching "(Sharing Catholic Social Teaching"). Among the contents were drawn from the principles fondamentali della Dottrina Sociale della Chiesa, materiale per incontri di riflessione e di preghiera, suggerimenti per interventi concreti, vario materiale multimediale come video e podcast, ma anche varie proposte. L’obiettivo è di fornire uno strumento utile per promuovere in modo più efficace la Dottrina Sociale della Chiesa, in linea con l’invito rivolto da Benedetto XVI nel Messaggio per la Giornata Mondiale della Gioventù 2010 a rispondere alle grandi sfide del mondo attuale "per costruire un mondo più giusto e fraterno". Tra queste sfide il Papa, citando la "Caritas in veritate", ricordava l'uso delle risorse della terra e il rispetto dell'ecologia, la giusta divisione dei beni e il controllo dei meccanismi finanziari, solidarity with poor countries as part of the human family, the fight against world hunger, the promotion of the dignity of human labor, the service culture of life, build peace among peoples, interfaith dialogue, good use of the media. At the completion of the site have worked 11 Catholic organizations, including the Association of College and Catholic University of America, the Catholic Relief Services (the charitable organization of the American Church) and the Conference of Major Superiors of the United States and major superiors' Association of Catholic university students. (LZ)


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