Iard A study on teachers in schools reveals eight out of ten rifarebbero the same choice. Stress does not deter: it rewards the commitment of students
Teachers repeat offenders. Stressed but not repentant. Proud and satisfied by a poorly paid job and misunderstood, more than eight in ten choose again. Italian teachers resist the deck chair at the helm of a school in trouble, driving hordes of rowdy, but on the whole optimistic, convinced that their micro is less shabby of how the media depict. And maybe it is, having regard to the sincerity with which the questions in the third IARD survey on living and working in the Italian school, published by Mill, also admit limitations, uncertainty and discontent.
There is life at school, well, because this army of eight hundred thousand teachers is still the most powerful collective intellect of our country. A heritage that they discover the curators of the investigation, Alessandro Cavalli and Gianluca Argentin, does not look too worn. In spite of everything. Twenty years after the first survey, in fact, the identikit of the Italian teacher remains problematic: the class teacher of the continent's oldest (average 70% to more than fifty years), the more bumpy career (up to 9 years enter the role), wages by 10-20 percent below average, the feminization Wild (eight women out of ten chairs, 95% in elementary school) who still betrays the trade-haven for women chained to the "double presence".
you expect in such trenches, demoralized troops. Not at all. Italian teachers are much happier than a decade ago. The proportion of those who "choose again the profession a teacher, "now 82%, increased by 9-10 points in every type of school. Conversely, those who dream of escaping to the board or another job, the" burnt ", the burn-out, fell in equally. What ever happened to so encouraging, in this decade, the Italian school? None. The school has not improved. Maybe it's worse everything else. And in the general crisis, the school has suffered less. They say teachers: the "microclimate" in class is better than it appears. Classrooms and corridors are areas of satisfactory human relationships with colleagues, managers, especially (91%) with students "to work with young people" is the first of the rest (63% ) reasons for choosing this profession. And the hell of bullying-schools, schools of a thousand-babel nationality? Problems, but deal with them.
esteem or optimism of the will? It is encouraging that more than 3 out of 4 teachers declare that they have chosen their profession as a vocation and not for practical reasons (security of the place, leisure, etc...) But what is a "vocation"? Ten years ago seemed to establish itself among the prof-the-art self-image of "professionals", now back to dominate the claim of the "social function". Reverse defensive limps salary, job insecurity increases, the social status falls, but what we are talking about professionalism? Yet they are generally good teachers. The report shows a 20-30% even in the range of excellence. Commitment grows: now half of teachers are in school well beyond the lesson time. The old "semi" from home for many is now a full time job, the "covenant to the bottom" Democrat (works a little, I pay little) is jumping. Only the paycheck did not notice.
Yet the same self-assessment of depth is often severe. They know that they were recruited away from pure merit criteria, they feel competent about their subjects, but ill-prepared to teach (9 out of 10 teachers have never taken a course of specialization). He also confesses some laziness in self-training: although most readers of the media and other professions of "intellectuals", a high school teacher in five do not like the books, the average depth of less than all (44% reads less than three year), less of primary school teachers . But many are trying to keep up. Quite deliberately, the Italian teachers have entered the era telematics, buying at their own cost computer and broadband, almost 9 out of 10 are connected (the average among the graduates is 77%). But if they are still little (less than half connects each day) and not in class: apart from the computer labs, the computer is used to prepare lessons, but do not lecture.
In the classroom, few new, perhaps an ancient wind. The "Lecture" seems to return sovereignty. But it is a pragmatic choice, not a traditionalist: ending the era of bold experimentation, dominated by a dose of "frontal" and "interactivity." If there was a revolution, about the last act: voting. That does not certify as to achieve a certain level of knowledge. For a teacher on the four "amount of learning does not count really. Fearful (50%) do not possess criteria for judging "objective" fair, prefer to reward the progress and commitment shown by the individual student. The company relies on external rigor and severity, but Questions deresponsabilizzanti planned are now de rigueur for a class about four (they were 17% ten years ago), no major differences between high schools and vocational schools in northern and southern schools. Laxity? Or refusal to act as a fig leaf, they are the only controllers in a society by the unforgiving rules relaxed? The island school is becoming self-advocates. But if you are no longer the "keepers of the wick off" Don Milani, and even the "vestal virgins of the middle class" of sociology 70, our teachers what they want to be?
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