Friday, December 31, 2010

Can You Combine Listerine And Peroxide?

+ Date date = Date + years!

for this post at the end and beginning of the year I want to play with the dates,
because the image of the post came from a play date. In this case I described on the page of a newspaper years ago an event occurred the same day but de lla page of the newspaper who became the drawing pad.

fact, the 13/07 / '30 we played the first game of the first edition of the World Cup, soccer

So a game that remains on the subject will help me to wish DATE ....

play: it takes only three dates related to illustration and hope you will:

31/12/10 today's date

13/07/10 the date of the newspaper who became sheet
13/07/30 the date of the first game of the first World Cup


31 - 30 = 1
10 + 10 = 20
13 - 12
= 1 + 7 7 - 13 = 1

The numbers obtained from the intersection of the dates, combined create between this result:


or 1 / 2011



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